School Management System

Classroom learning with LMS assistance.


A management information system for education establishment that consists of:

  • School Administration

  • Student Administration

  • Teacher Administration

  • Subject Administration

  • Finance & Billing

  • Reporting

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Admission Module

  • Student prospect information
  • Assessment on student's knowledge
  • Student interview
  • Admission billing
  • Offer letter

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Student Module

  • Student information repository
  • Guardian information
  • Disciplinary records
  • Medical history
  • Medical treatment records

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Teacher Module

  • Teacher profile information
  • Timeable assigned to teacher
  • Teacher's subject competency

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Enrollment Module

  • Create school sessions, midterm and finals gradebook submission deadline
  • Class and subjects enrolled for the selected student
  • Subjects information for a particular class

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Class Module

  • Class Submodule
    Create classes for the whole school.
  • Subject Submodule
    Manages the list of subjects enrolled by the student.
  • Timetable Submodule
    Create class timetables.
  • Set Class Submodule

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Gradebook Module

Student gradebook by subject and class. Each gradebook will be submitted to homeroom teacher for verification and aprroval prior to report card generation.

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Report Card Module

Grade book record will be used to generate student report card for mid term and final term before submission to parent or guardians.

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Calendar Module

  • Public Holiday Setup
    Setup pubic holidays for the selected session to be displayed in the school calendar. This can also be used to set up school events
  • Monthly & Annual Calendar View Provides monthly and annual calendar view of the events and public holiday configured.

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Billing Module

  • Assessment Fees All assessments fees are collected before the assessment is conducted for a potential student.
  • Admission Payment Once a student is accepted into the school, an admission fee is then collected.
  • Monthly Invoices Automatically generated in the system to improve efficiency.
  • Receipt Generation Generates receipt for payments received.

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Report Module

Report generated by this module includes:

  • School Session Summary
  • Attendance Report
  • Financial Reports
  • Student Contact Information
  • Gradebook report by subject or class

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Learning Management Features

  • Material Handling

    (a) Material repository linked by subjects and lessons
    (b) Core materials vs supplementary materials
    (c) Teaching materials vs learning materials
    (d) Learning material - students' visibility by date schedule
    (e) 2 ways of material accessibility - portal view and file explorer view
    (f) Supplementary materials by teacher preference
    (g) Core materials are carried forward throughout semesters
    (h) Material categories - textbooks, exams, quizzes, assignments, homework, etc.

  • Subjects, SOW and Lesson Plan

    Course and subjects management, topic with learning outcome, scheduling by workweek SOW, lesson planning - by period with activity list.

    School Portal Connectivity

    Communication portal as a link between the school and parents as well as students. Information displayed in the portal is linked directly from the information entered in the School Management System.